What is Pelvic Health?

Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles that look like a sling attaching from your pubic bone to your tailbone. The pelvic floor muscles are crucial for supporting your pelvic organs like your bladder, rectum, uterus (women), and prostate (men). Your core muscles (abdomen, erector spinae, obliques) also play a role in pelvic function.…

5 Steps to Heal from COVID Burnout 

A few weeks ago, DSANDA published an article, COVID: The “New Normal” Burnout addressing symptoms to watch for it you aren’t feeling like yourself. COVID burnout is not a symptom of having COVID-19, but rather a by-product of symptoms we experience from living in a world with so many new changes and restrictions. It is the emotional…

What is an Internal Pelvic Exam

If you are searching for information about Internal Pelvic Exams, then you know that your body is experiencing pelvic dysfunction. You may not know the exact diagnosis but have probably turned to Dr. Google in search of answers. If you are brave, you may have talked with some friends who have experienced the same issues.…

COVID: The “New Normal” Burnout 

Are you tired of hearing the phrase “new normal”? It’s not just the saying that’s the problem. The fact is many people are overwhelmed, exhausted, and still feeling unadjusted to this post-COVID existence. So if hearing the term “new normal” aggravates you, then you might be suffering from COVID burnout — and you aren’t alone.…